Hidradenitis suppurativa, or HS, is a skin disease that appears
as a cluster or clusters of abscesses, cysts, or multilocalised infections,
which can be as small as the tip of a fingernail or as large as the palm of a
hand. These clusters typically appear on the areas of the body with the highest
amount of sweat glands, such as the underarms, the groin, the buttocks, or the
inner thighs. These cysts can cause a lot of pain when touched and can continue
appearing for years, frequently inflaming and resulting in incision and the
draining of pus, sometimes leaving open wounds that will not heal.
Hidradenitis suppurativa skin disease is caused by plugged anpocrine glands.
There are several factors involved when anpocrine glands become plugged. Some
causes could be genetic factors or sex hormones, along with bacterial
infections or excessive sweating. HS appears in three different stages. The
first stage is a single or multiple abscesses without any scarring. The second
stage is recurring abscesses along with a single or multiple lesions, and sinus
tract formation. The third stage involves a great amount of inflammation over a
broad area with multiple connected abscesses and sinus tract formations.
Luckily for those suffering from Hidradenitis suppurativa skin disease, there
are a variety of skin disease treatments and skin enhancement surgeries that
can help. Many people can help curb their Hidradenitis suppurativa by simply
undergoing a few lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or stopping smoking.
Other possibilities include hydrotherapy or changes in diet. Other skin disease
treatments include medications that are available both over the counter, such
as Vitamin A or common anti-inflammatories, or through a doctor as well.
Radiation therapy has also been successful in the past, although not very
commonly performed in the United States.
When the disease becomes chronic, it is time to consider skin enhancement surgeries. Dr. Mona Rane is an expert on skin surgery and will be an intrinsic
part of this process. Skin enhancement surgery is typically very simple and the recovery time is short and sweet as well. With proper treatments and surgery,
this skin disease will be a memory of the past for lifelong sufferers. Is you have HS and are looking for treatment, give Dr. Mona Rane and her staff a call today! You will love the results and wish you had called her sooner!
Visit her website at www.monaranemd.com to learn more.