Friday, December 20, 2013

Anti-Aging Surgeries

Anti-aging surgery can help patients achieve a more youthful appearance in various ways. In addition to enhancing different parts of the body, the skin and facial structure are also potential locations for surgical treatments that may give the appearance of reversing the hands of time. Individuals who wish to eliminate skin sagging, undergo breast enhancement, or create the appearance of a tightened and toned abdomen have many options available to them.


A type of plastic surgery for anti-aging that has been performed for decades, the facelift has been modified over time to produce results that appear more natural than the overly tightened look that was once commonly thought to be associated with the procedure. Dr. Mona Rane offers three facelift options. The Full Facelift involves lifting the cheek fat pads to eliminate jowls, improve contour of the neck, and improve lines along the nose. The Neck Lift focuses on improving jowls and neck contour. The Mid Facelift is also done by lifting the cheek fat pads and is often combined with eyelid surgery.

Breast Lift and Augmentation

Breasts may begin to sag due to aging or dramatic weight loss. This may also happen after pregnancy. Individuals who wish to regain the firmness of their breasts may opt to have a breast lift or mastopexy. During a mastopexyprocedure, an implant can be added if a patient wishes to increase their breast size, and the size of the areola may also be reduced if desired. Dr. Mona Rane uses a breast lift technique that requires minimal breast tissue removal and is the latest method recognized by plastic surgeons across the country.


More casually known as a tummy tuck, abdominoplasty is another classic anti-aging surgery that has been performed for decades. The procedure tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen. Both men and women can be candidates for a tummy tuck if they are close to their ideal weight and are in good physical condition but simply struggle with a small amount of excess abdominal fat. The procedure should be delayed if candidates intend to lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant.

People who have attempted to use non-surgical anti-aging remedies but wish to have more permanent results may want to consider plastic surgery for anti-aging results. Prospective patients should become as informed as possible about the benefits and risks of plastic surgery and contact Dr. Mona Rane for more information about surgical anti-aging remedies.

Friday, November 8, 2013

How to Know if You're Ready for an Eyelift

Eyelid surgery, also known as eyelift surgery, is technically called blepharoplasty, and it does not actually involve lifting the lid at all. Instead, it is a surgical procedure during which a doctor removes excess skin from the eyelid and changes the contour of the area by adding or removing fat. Most commonly, people seek plastic surgery on their eyelids to improve their appearance. However, blepharoplasty is also used to help people who have developed sagging upper lids that interfere with their ability to see clearly. Blepharoplasty is typically very effective at improving patients' appearance and making them look and feel more rested and youthful.

Types of Blepharoplasty
There are three types of blepharoplasty that are commonly performed. They are upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty and double blepharoplasty. Upper blepharoplasty removes the unneeded skin and fat that creates heavy, drooping eyelids and can help patients whose lids are blocking their vision to see better. Lower blepharoplasty removes unneeded skin, reduces wrinkling and reshapes or restores the shape of the lower lid. Fat is sometimes removed to eliminate bagging or added to help restore the youthful contour of the eye area. Double blepharoplasty is a procedure that changes the appearance of the eye by creating a crease in the upper eyelid.

When is it Time to Consider Eyelid Surgery?
Individuals who have puffiness in their upper eyelids or have developed folds caused by drooping or sagging skin, can often benefit from upper eyelid surgery. Lower blepharoplasty may be a good solution for those who have excess skin, bags or wrinkles on the lower lid. It is also effective for correcting drooping lower lids that reveal the white of the eye below the pupil. Double blepharoplasty is used to change the appearance of the eye, typically for cosmetic reasons. In order to be considered a good candidate for eyeliftsurgery, individuals must usually be in overall good health and have healthy facial skin and muscles.

What to Expect from Eyelift Surgery
Blepharoplasty can correct problems around the eyes and, in the case of lower blepharoplasty, reduce wrinkles. While this often leads to a more youthful appearance, it does not remove other signs of aging such as crow's feet. Additional procedures are available to correct other signs of aging, and some of them can be completed at the same time as a blepharoplasty. It often takes several weeks before patients can see the final results of the surgery, and their appearance usually continues to improve over the course of the following year as the incision lines refine. Once the initial healing phase is complete, patients typically report that they look more rested and more alert when they look in the mirror.

Selecting the Right Surgeon
The most important step in preparing for plastic surgery is finding a trusted doctor to perform the surgery. In the Liberal, Kansas, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, areas, Dr. Mona Rane is a well-known and trusted name for eyelift surgeries. If you are interested in an eyelid or eyelift surgery, give Dr. Mona Rane and her lovely staff a call today to book your initial consultation! You won't find any better plastic surgeon in town; call her today!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Wrinkle FAQs

Unlike what many people believe, wrinkles are not inevitable and are not always a sign of age. The following FAQs can help individuals understand where these lines begin and how to treat them.

What Are the Causes of Wrinkles?
There are multiple causes of wrinkles. One person may experience a number of these, which can make the lines appear deeper and more difficult to combat. It is often surprising to people that lack of proper nutrition and poor hydration leads to wrinkling. It is vital to have an adequate intake of water, nutrients, and minerals for a healthy body and healthy skin. Likewise, those activities that are harmful to the body lead to wrinkling as well. This includes smoking, which leaks toxins onto the surface of the skin and into the bloodstream.

The number one cause of premature wrinkling is overexposure to UV light. The harsh rays of UV light dry out the skin, break down collagen, and leave the skin unable to support itself. UV light exposure can be combated by avoiding tanning beds and using sunblock while outside.

Age is the only inevitable cause. A lack of elasticity, which happens naturally over time, causes gravity to take hold of skin, weighing it down. Fat cells under the skin also begin to fade as people age, which removes the full, plump look of skin. Likewise, oils are secreted less widely, which leads to dry, lined skin.

What is the Most Effective Treatment for Wrinkles?
Some of the top FAQs regard the best treatment for wrinkles. Luckily, there are many treatment options that works wonders on lined skin. Injectable treatments like Botox and Restylane provide fast and easy treatment that can last up to four months. Laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels help to improve the appearance of lines and also aid the skin in becoming more elastic. This helps to prevent future wrinkling as well. Facelifts and mini-facelifts are long-term solutions that restore youthful radiance to skin that needs it the most.

What Types of Wrinkles Exist?
There are three basic types: dynamic, static, and folds. Dynamic lines are generally related to repeated facial expressions. Frown lines, forehead lines and crow's feet are common ones. They mostly only appear while facial expressions are made. A static wrinkle appears around the eyes and on cheeks. They are caused by lack of elasticity, often due to poor nutritional habits or smoking, but can also appear simply due to the passing of time. Wrinkle folds happen when the skin is no longer supported. This is often due to aging.

What Role Do Genetics and Diet Have to Play on Skincare?
Genetics can play a role, no doubt, but diet is much more important. While a person has no control over their physiology, diet changes, while not simple, are much easier to manage. Individuals who wish to have youthful skin should try to eat well-balanced diets that are made primarily of whole foods. They should also drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

Who is Affected by Deep Lines More: Men or Women?
Unfortunately for women, they are plagued by lines more than men. This is likely due to a lack of oil in the skin as they age, which men continue to produce.

If you have any other questions you would like answered about wrinkles, or would like a skin treatment by Dr. Mona Rane, call her office in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 719-277-7283, or her Liberal, Kansas office at 620-624-8510. She looks forward to helping you out!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Importance of Patient Privacy

We live today in a world where a new priority is placed on individual privacy. This is primarily because of the many ways personal privacy can be invaded. Once an individual’s personal information is in the wrong hands, it can be easily distributed to a broad audience via the Internet and other digital channels. Even worse, it is virtually impossible to undo a breach of privacy once it has occurred.

Such situations can be damaging to affected individuals in a number of ways. The threats to an individual's privacy are greatest when dealing with businesses that must collect personal information as a part of serving their clients, including doctor and plastic surgeon offices. In such cases, it is important that those businesses have clear and effective policies that deal with privacy and that their patients receive a written privacy notice.

In the medical profession, the importance of having a practice privacy policy is underlined by the HIPAA legislation. The Act mandates that a privacy notice be provided to all patients receiving medical services. There are severe penalties for medical professionals who fail to adequately protect a patient’s private and personal information. In fact, patients must be notified when a breach of their information is even suspected to have occurred.

The Plastic Surgeon Policy on Privacy 

Many people are especially sensitive to privacy when they use the services of a plastic and cosmetic surgeon. That makes the plastic surgeon's privacy policy essential in reassuring patients of their plastic surgery rights. There are a number of reasons to seek the services of a plastic surgeon, but whatever the reason, a patient will rightfully expect full confidentiality when they visit plastic surgeon offices or use the services of any medical professional.

Again, as it is very easy to publish or share personal information on the Internet, every medical professional must be concerned about the protection of patient information. With an effective and enforced plastic surgeon policy on patient privacy in place, the patient will be fully advised in writing of their plastic surgery rights relative to confidentiality.

Patients of Dr. Mona Rane receive this assurance verbally and in writing. Patients can take comfort in knowing that the doctor and staff are committed to protecting the confidentiality of their personal information, including billing data. Additionally, all communications and procedures used in the office are considered to be protected and treated accordingly. Give Dr. Mona Rane a call today and ask her what her office's patient privacy policy is! Visit her website at for more information.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Do you have HS?

Hidradenitis suppurativa, or HS, is a skin disease that appears as a cluster or clusters of abscesses, cysts, or multilocalised infections, which can be as small as the tip of a fingernail or as large as the palm of a hand. These clusters typically appear on the areas of the body with the highest amount of sweat glands, such as the underarms, the groin, the buttocks, or the inner thighs. These cysts can cause a lot of pain when touched and can continue appearing for years, frequently inflaming and resulting in incision and the draining of pus, sometimes leaving open wounds that will not heal.

Hidradenitis suppurativa skin disease is caused by plugged anpocrine glands. There are several factors involved when anpocrine glands become plugged. Some causes could be genetic factors or sex hormones, along with bacterial infections or excessive sweating. HS appears in three different stages. The first stage is a single or multiple abscesses without any scarring. The second stage is recurring abscesses along with a single or multiple lesions, and sinus tract formation. The third stage involves a great amount of inflammation over a broad area with multiple connected abscesses and sinus tract formations.

Luckily for those suffering from Hidradenitis suppurativa skin disease, there are a variety of skin disease treatments and skin enhancement surgeries that can help. Many people can help curb their Hidradenitis suppurativa by simply undergoing a few lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or stopping smoking. Other possibilities include hydrotherapy or changes in diet. Other skin disease treatments include medications that are available both over the counter, such as Vitamin A or common anti-inflammatories, or through a doctor as well. Radiation therapy has also been successful in the past, although not very commonly performed in the United States.

When the disease becomes chronic, it is time to consider skin enhancement surgeries. Dr. Mona Rane is an expert on skin surgery and will be an intrinsic part of this process. Skin enhancement surgery is typically very simple and the recovery time is short and sweet as well. With proper treatments and surgery, this skin disease will be a memory of the past for lifelong sufferers. Is you have HS and are looking for treatment, give Dr. Mona Rane and her staff a call today! You will love the results and wish you had called her sooner!

Visit her website at to learn more.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Ear Reshaping or Otoplasty

Plastic surgery is a booming business in the United States, as medical science gradually allows more and more individuals to reshape their outward appearance. One of the surgeries with the most drastic immediate improvement of personal appearance is otoplasty, the surgical reshaping of the external ear to correct birth defects, trauma, other deformities, or just personal cosmetic needs.

What is Otoplasty Surgery?
An otoplasty surgery is a plastic surgery technique where the surgeon reshapes and augments the pinna, or the external ear. The surgery first became popularized in the late 1960s when surgeons first became able to replace the cartilage of the ear with both biological and synthetic analogues. Ear shaping has since been refined, and it is grouped into three categories depending on the severity of the physical change required or wanted by the patient.
  • Group I - Surgeons leave most of the original cartilage in the original ear, instead using sutures to cause ear reshaping over time.
  • Group 2 - Surgeons use an ear reshaping surgery that removes most of the excess cartilage on the pinna, leaving the ear more pliable and easier to reshape.
  • Group 3 - Combines ear reshaping techniques from groups 1 and 2 in order to reduce the size of the ear.

Is Otoplasty Safe?
Ear reshaping surgery is very safe, and it is routinely performed in plastic surgery centers all across the United States. The recovery prognosis is high for most patients, and most end up with aesthetically pleasing ears that are indistinguishable from their non-reconstructed counterparts. In some cases the surgery can be performed with only local anesthetic, and the patients are able to go home the same day. Dr. Rane, a plastic surgeon licensed in Liberal,Kansas, has a great track record of safe and responsible surgeries for her patients.

Conditions Requiring Otoplasty
The vast majority of patients who undergo this surgical procedure do so because their ears were misshapen due to a congenital defect, or they are just simply uncomfortable with how their ears look and they want to change them. Some of these defects, such as cleft earlobe and Cryptotia, can be corrected early in a child's development so they can grow up with normal looking ears. In other cases, patients see their plastic surgeon to correct damage done to their ears during trauma of some kind. Cauliflower ear, a condition faced by wrestlers due to repeated injury to the external ear, generally requires ear reshaping after the hematoma is drained. For the less traumatic patients, a cosmetic need is just a personal want someone may have. Maybe they think their ears are uneven, or are too big, ear reshaping is a simple surgical fix to this. Dr. Mona Ranein Liberal, KS can help answer any patient’s questions about otoplasty. Giveher a call today!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pre-Appointment Preparations

For many, going through plastic surgery appointment preparations is an emotional and stressful time. While this position of 'freaking out' can be understandable, it's also time to keep that anxiety aside and follow some real good advice to make the things go smoothly during plastic surgery appointments.

Before scheduling the surgery date for cosmetic enhancements at Dr. Mona Rane’s office in Liberal Kansas, you may be required to schedule a pre-operative appointment as well. This appointment is to record some blood tests in the laboratory for, which includes but is not limited to, blood clotting test, pregnancy test, blood count test and HIV or Hepatitis C test. You will be given time to decide on the surgery, any medications that are relevant, so be prepared for the instructions that follow. You will be asked to stop taking any medications that contain aspirin or other drugs that clot blood or cause problems with the surgery. Your doctor, Dr. Mona Rane, will suggest the list of things you need around the healing room after the surgery. 

So before going to pre-op plastic surgery appointments for cosmetic enhancementsin Liberal Kansas, make sure to create an atmosphere at your home where you can relax and have a good sleep at night. Make a list of people who you may need during the hospitalization or lab test dates. Place your clothing and personal items in a bag to carry and have them within reach. It is a good idea to have a time schedule for all the tasks you do the previous day of the visit.

One of the most important tasks you need to have done prior to seeing Dr. Rane is have any and all paperwork filled out and ready to go for her. Complete necessary paper work or have a family member fill out the applications - a mandatory requirement of appointment preparations. Make sure your cellphone or other forms of contact are handy and accessible all the time, before and after the appointment. You can call or text emergency number or caretaker in the event that you need them, so have those numbers written on a paper or entered into your cell phone. You may also want to wear comfortable clothes, shoes or sweats that are easy to wear or remove during the lab pre-op plastic surgery tests. Make sure your health insurance is up-to-date and access to their customer service numbers is easy. Always let your family members know where to find you during the appointment. 

When you first come in to visit with Dr. Mona Rane and her staff during your initial consultation, she will make sure to go through all the steps explained above so you are prepared and comfortable about the whole process. She is there to help answer any questions you may have about your future cosmetic enhancements, so don’t hesitate to ask. Dr. Rane is also always available to talk over the phone whenever you have a question arise. Don’t stress, these type of surgeries are for you and your happiness, so don’t let any other plastic surgeon make the procedure a hassle, call Dr. Mona Rane today to schedule your appointment!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Safety of Silicone Breast Implants

The scare concerning the safety of silicone breast implants that led to their removal from the market by the FDA in 1992 left many women with lingering doubts. In 2006, after extensive study, the FDA re-released silicone implants for body enhancing surgeries. The studies proved that silicone breast implants are safe and pose no risk when used by a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation. In 2006, only 19% of augmentation procedures used silicone implants, the rest used saline ones. Over time, the scare subsided and trust in the use of silicone began to return. The percentage of silicone implants being used for breast enlargement has climbed steadily to 72% in 2012. Concurrently, the rate of saline use declined. 

Silicone implants look and feel more like natural breasts. The improvements and advancements in their construction and style continue, making them very popular for body enhancing surgeries. Recently, a new “form-stable” silicone implant has been introduced that more closely mimics the teardrop shape of natural breasts. The risk of possible leakage with this implant is greatly reduced by advances in the silicone itself. Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery in the United States, and the return of the silicone implant has created an even greater demand. Saline implants are more prone to rips, and structural changes are often visible through the skin. The firmness of silicone is far superior to saline, and most women feel that silicone offers more overall support. The advantage of saline over silicone has nothing to do with implant safety after body enhancements. The saline implant simply requires a smaller incision and is easier to remove in the event a woman wants a reduction later in life.

As advancements are made in the look and overall feel of the silicone implant, the use of saline implants are expected to further decline. Any lingering doubts or fears concerning the use of silicone implants for breast augmentation have been completely dispelled by the FDA and the ever growing community of plastic surgeons in the United States. Body enhancements using silicone implants are completely safe. Women who wish to have breast implants to increase size, or have a breast replacement following a mastectomy, should consider the natural look and feel of silicone. This safe and effective procedure can completely restore and enhance the size of breasts dramatically. Like saline implants, silicone breast implants can be safely removed if the woman changes her mind at a later time.

If a breast augmentation surgery is in your future, give the well known and respected plastic surgeon in Liberal, Kansas, Dr. Mona Rane a call today! Visit her website at, or call her Kansas office directly at 620-624-8500.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Minimally Invasive Surgeries

In today's society it is easier than ever to attain a youthful and beautiful appearance with minimally invasive surgery that works to take years off of your look. From Botox to Juvederm to skin enhancements, the opportunities are endless and very affordable. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars a year on expensive products and medicines that do not prove effective, more people than ever are resorting to skin enhancements that restore the glow and youth to the skin for a beautiful appearance.

Botox is perhaps one of the most popular procedures for celebrities. It is one of the most effective methods for slowing down the aging process and restoring the skin's youthfulness by smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. It's an affordable method and lasts for several months, working most effectively for crow's feet, the forehead, and for smile lines.

Instead of giving up your smile, Juvederm is a popular skin enhancement that works to reduce wrinkles around the nose and mouth that are caused by smiling by using natural filler. Unlike Botox, only one treatment of Juvederm is needed every year to ensure a youthful appearance that enhances the appearance. It gently works to diminish labial folds, making the face appear beautiful and young.

Radiesse is a popular minimally invasive surgery that works to fill in wrinkles and cause folds to disappear for smooth, taut skin that can easily take a decade off your appearance in just one session. This cosmetic surgery works immediately by injecting filler that prompts natural collagen to regrow for a beautiful look. Radiesse is the only filler that works immediately and has results right away once it is injected. It also involves minimal pain, making it a more comfortable cosmetic surgery option.

Restylane works best in the lower region of the face, enhancing volume to correct sagging of the skin and enhance natural features. It also works as a lip enhancer for a beautiful and full look. Restylane is FDA approved to restore hyaluronic acid lost in the skin due to age, which naturally and easily adheres underneath the skin.

Mona Rane is one of the top choices for those looking to naturally enhance their appearance through safe, minimally invasive surgeries that continues to increase in popularity due to amazing results that take years off of the face. For many patients, they see the results immediately and are able to feel more confident and beautiful after the procedures. Be another success story to Dr.Mona Rane MD’s list and give her a call today!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

NEW "Sciton" Laser

Everybody is always looking for the next best thing in skin treatments. Could the new Sciton laser be that next best thing? Here is a little more information about this new up and coming procedure that people are going crazy about.

Sciton laser procedures have become very popular among people who are looking for a new way to improve their skin. These laser treatments are great if you are looking for a way to find a solution to any skin issues you may come across. Usually this procedure is used for skin tightening; micro peels and full face resurfacing, removal of sun damage, veins, and discoloration, and hair removal.

You might be wondering what exactly this laser is. The Sciton system is a laser system that can be upgraded with interchangeable filters to provide a wide variety of different treatments to customers. These laser treatments are provided with a broad beam light source which is known as the world's greatest pulsed light system.

The benefits of the Sciton profile laser are outstanding. The laser that is connected to the machine is manually operated allowing for as much overlap as desired. This comes in handy for situations that may come off as difficult. Because it is a pulsing light which goes in different patterns it separates the heat so it is not focused solely on one area at a time. The Sciton has two built in lasers meaning that when one is in the process of fixing an issue the other can charge. This leads to a quicker procedure being done. Another great aspect of this laser is that the beam is wide, causing it to treat a large area of the body at a time. With several different beams, it allows for hair removal and resurfacing to be a breeze. This machine is great to have in any office because of how extremely versatile it is when it comes to procedures. The skin treatments provide great results when the Sciton is used for skin needing firming or smoothing. You can definitely expect results with micro laser peels, facial treatments, leg veins, and other skin related conditions.

If you are trying to find the right procedure for you but are not sure about whom to go to or what type of procedure to do, hopefully this has helped you in your decision making. You can always turn to the Sciton laser for all of your skin treatments and procedure needs. Dr. Mona Rane is proud to announce she has just purchased her own Sciton laser for her clients. To try out this new skin enhancement equipment, give Dr. Mona Rane and her professionals a call today!

(For more information on this device, go to

Monday, March 25, 2013

Safety and Trusting Your Plastic Surgeon

 Any sort of surgery is a very serious matter but elective surgery is especially difficult to regulate as there are generally no health reasons for the procedures. In instances where surgery is needed to correct a health issue, it is far more likely that a surgeon is going to work through a hospital or other medical facility rather than a private office as many plastic surgeons do. There are plenty of instances of plastic surgeries gone wrong and plastic surgeons that are not qualified for the work they perform and this factor is what makes plastic surgery research so incredibly important. 

Plastic Surgery There are hundreds of reasons why patients should take the time to research their surgeon prior to going under the knife. The key to trusting plastic surgeons is to find out as much information as possible about them prior to your procedure or even your consultation. Try to find before and after plastic surgery pictures and testimonials from real past clients of theirs to get an unbiased review of the skill and work of that surgeon. Past clients can be a valuable resource when it comes to choosing your plastic surgeon.

The first step to really getting to know about your surgeon is to complete a quick internet search. In a day and age where technology is king, the internet is the researcher’s best friend. Plastic surgery research is now easier than ever. Depending on the results that are found, users may then proceed to a consultation with the surgeon they found about what they can do for you. Many plastic surgeons will openly and freely show future patients before and after plastic surgery pictures and testimonials of previous patients, which is a fantastic way to learn about what sort of work they do and what skill level they may have. Talking to patients that have had procedures done can help shed light on surgeons and their credentials. Even surgeons that may not have the best certifications or most well-known reputations may be a perfect fit for your procedure.

Taking the time to really get to know your surgeon before surgery is the best way to be sure the procedure will go smoothly and that healing will take place properly after the surgery is completed. The single most efficient way to insure that a surgeon is right for you is to talk to previous clients or to find reviews of doctors prior to scheduling an appointment. It may be necessary for patients to talk directly with the doctor either before or after surgery to learn about how to care for incisions, what to expect, and what results they should see at what point during healing. Plastic surgery is elective but finding the right surgeon is not, the surgeon can make all the difference in the success or failure of any procedure and keep you from being one of the plastic surgeries gone wrong. 

This is why the professionals at Dr. Mona Rane MD's plastic surgery office are here for you. We want you, our potential patient, to have faith in the work we do, trust us and our knowledge, and believe in the wonderful results we can provide you. Visit our website at today and see if Dr. Mona Rane and her partners are the right plastic surgeons are right for you! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

A New Year, a New You!

     It's been two months into the New Year. The plans on exercising, dieting, cleansing and breaking bad habits are still going strong. We are here to encourage you to reach for the stars, so we offer this New Year’s resolution to you: a makeover! We want you to keep us in mind when you finish your body image metamorphosis. Visit Dr. Mona Rane and get the well-earned surgery you deserve.

     Colorado Springs plastic surgeons like Dr. Mona Rane provide many surgery selections to choose from. Our full body restoration is filled with face and body enhancements everyone can utilize to stay looking young. We offer everything from lifts to rhinoplasty for the face and liposuction to abdominoplasty for the body. Shape your butt, stomach, arms, thighs, face and neck. We offer appearance improvements in the breasts for both women and men. Even the ones that want to avoid surgery have the choice between Botox and nose reshaping. We have something for everyone.

     Dr. Mona Rane has always had a special place in her heart for mothers. Mothers give everything to their children and don't have much free time to take care of themselves in return. Stretch marks, saggy skin and weight gain are hard issues to get rid of even after our children become adults. We are here to help mothers out, so we offer “Mommy Makeover” appearance improvements. Liposuction, tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation, butt lift and breast reduction are the list of choices toward full body restoration. The great news is that mothers choose the ones they need the most while we make it happen.

     The results are nothing short of extraordinary and our gallery of face and body enhancements prove it. Flip through before and after photos to see the amazing results from some of our clients at Our procedures will turn back the clock to erase muffin tops, love handles, wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet and saggy areas. The new you will shine through in addition with confidence, youthfulness and a more positive outlook on life. Take on the world's challenges as you look good and feel great doing it. The Colorado Springs plastic surgeon Dr. Mona Rane MD will make that dream a reality. We will kick the old you back to last year where it belongs.

     Make 2013 your year with appearance improvements you'll want to show off all year round. Make the first step to a complete transformation and contact Dr. Mona Rane for more information and/or a consultation. You'll love the new you and you’ll love your New Year’s resolution results.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Male Breast Reduction Surgeries

    There is currently a growing trend of male cosmetic surgeries that provides males with several different options to choose from, depending on their individual needs. One of the most common plastic surgery for men is a breast reduction surgery. Male breast reduction surgery is performed when a man suffers from gynecomastia, a condition that results in an over-development or enlargement of breasts. The condition can be present in all ages of men and can be a result of rapid weight gain, medication side effects, certain supplements, genetics, disease, and hormonal abnormalities or fluctuations. Before deciding whether or not this procedure is right for a particular man, there are a few things to take into account. The two most prominent attributes would be first to check on his weight and then any other medical conditions he may have.

    Male breast reduction plastic surgery used to correct gynecomastia is generally done by using liposuction or Vaser (ultrasound assisted liposuction). The procedure begins with local anesthesia administration to the patient, small incisions are made on the side of the breast where liposuction is then performed. In certain cases when liposuction is not enough to correct the problem, excision technique can be used to achieve a more satisfactory result. Each individual's procedure is going to be unique to them so it is important to understand you will be taken care of depending on your specific needs. Individual results may vary.

    This popular surgery is an option for men who are of good health, normal or slightly overweight, or their breast size is just simply causing them problems. Male breast reduction surgery is usually performed when men want more definition in their pecs and are self-conscious of their nipples showing through clothing such as thin T-shirts or gym clothes. If you are a male and any of the above applies to you, breast reduction surgery may be right for you!

Call us today at 719-277-7263 or visit our website at